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2025-03-06 点击: 10 +

德国柏林应用科技大学毕业证 成品1.jpg

德国柏林应用科技大学(Berliner Hochschule für Technik,简称 BHT)是一所位于德国首都柏林的知名应用技术大学。该校历史悠久,前身为成立于1971年的柏林工业经济学院,并于2021年正式更名为柏林应用科技大学。BHT 以其实践导向的教学方法、紧密结合行业需求的课程设置,以及与企业和研究机构的广泛合作而著称。

学校设有多个学科领域,包括工程技术、计算机科学、经济管理、自然科学、设计与建筑等。BHT 强调理论与实践相结合,许多课程涉及实验项目、实习和企业合作,使学生能够在真实的工作环境中应用所学知识。此外,该校的研究项目涵盖可持续发展、人工智能、数字化转型等前沿领域,为学生提供丰富的学术和创新机会。

在国际化方面,BHT 与世界各地的高校和机构建立了合作关系,提供多种英语授课的课程,并鼓励学生参加国际交流项目。学校的现代化校园设施完备,包括先进的实验室、图书馆和创新中心,为学生提供良好的学习环境。此外,柏林作为德国的科技与创新中心,为学生提供了丰富的实习和就业机会,使其成为国际学生理想的求学之地。

Overview of Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT)

Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) is a renowned university of applied sciences located in Berlin, Germany. With a rich history dating back to 1971 as the Berlin University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics, it was officially renamed in 2021. BHT is known for its practice-oriented teaching approach, industry-driven curriculum, and strong collaborations with businesses and research institutions.

The university offers a wide range of programs in engineering, computer science, business management, natural sciences, design, and architecture. BHT places a strong emphasis on combining theory with practical applications, incorporating laboratory work, internships, and industry partnerships into its courses. Additionally, its research initiatives cover cutting-edge fields such as sustainability, artificial intelligence, and digital transformation, providing students with excellent academic and innovation opportunities.

BHT is highly focused on internationalization, offering numerous English-taught programs and encouraging students to participate in exchange programs with partner universities worldwide. The university boasts modern facilities, including state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, and innovation hubs. Being located in Berlin, Germany’s hub of technology and entrepreneurship, BHT provides students with numerous internship and career opportunities, making it an attractive choice for international students seeking a dynamic and hands-on educational experience.