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2025-03-06 点击: 11 +

德国巴黎一大毕业证 成品 0621.jpg

巴黎第一大学(Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)是法国最著名的大学之一,成立于1971年,由原巴黎大学(索邦大学)拆分而来。作为法国顶尖的公立大学,巴黎一大以其在人文社会科学、法律、经济学和管理学领域的卓越表现闻名。学校位于巴黎市中心,毗邻卢浮宫和塞纳河,为学生提供了独特的学习和文化体验。



English Part

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, established in 1971, is one of France's most prestigious universities, formed from the split of the historic University of Paris (Sorbonne). As a leading public university in France, Paris 1 is renowned for its excellence in humanities, social sciences, law, economics, and management. Located in the heart of Paris, near the Louvre and the Seine River, the university offers students a unique learning and cultural experience.

Paris 1 places a strong emphasis on academic research and international education, establishing extensive partnerships with top universities and research institutions worldwide. The university offers students a wide range of international exchange programs and dual-degree courses, helping them broaden their global perspectives. Additionally, Paris 1 is committed to promoting innovative research, with numerous national and international research centers providing high-quality platforms for students and faculty. Whether in academic research or international exchange, Paris 1 provides students with an environment full of opportunities and support.

Paris 1 boasts a campus rich in history and culture, with state-of-the-art facilities that offer students ideal conditions for study and life. The university has world-class libraries, laboratories, and teaching facilities, as well as a wide range of extracurricular activities and student organizations. Whether in academic research or personal growth, Paris 1 provides students with a vibrant and supportive environment.