库克大学(Cork Institute of Technology,简称CIT),现已更名为爱尔兰大学科克分校(University of Cork),是爱尔兰的一所重要高等院校,位于科克市。学校成立于1976年,以其应用科学、工程学、商科和艺术等领域的教学和研究而闻名。作为爱尔兰的一所理工类院校,库克大学注重实践和就业导向的教育,培养了大量优秀的工程师、科学家、商人和艺术人才。
Cork Institute of Technology (CIT), now renamed University of Cork, is an important higher education institution in Ireland, located in the city of Cork. Established in 1976, it is known for its teaching and research in applied sciences, engineering, business, and the arts. As a polytechnic institution in Ireland, CIT emphasizes practical and employment-oriented education, producing a large number of skilled engineers, scientists, business professionals, and artists.